K-732 Switchyard Demolition and Remediation
LOCATION: Oak Ridge, Tennessee
CLIENT: Department of Energy (DOE) EMCBC
The K-732 Switchyard Project, Oak Ridge, TN included the demolition and asset recovery of a Manhattan Project vintage 5-acre electrical switchyard, a comprehensive site characterization to determine the type and extent of soil and concrete contamination, the remediation of soil and concrete to meet DOE cleanup requirements, and the restoration of the site for future use as a modernized switchyard. The objective of the project was to support the reindustrialization of the East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) site.
As Prime contractor, CTI interfaced routinely with DOE representatives, UCOR (DOE’s ETTP Environmental Management Prime Contractor), the City of Oak Ridge, and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC).
Comprehensive Characterization Services:
- Development of a conceptual site model that defined processes for release, transport, and exposure to PCBs based on observations and knowledge gained during demolition;
- Development\ implementation of a MARSSIM’s-based Radiological Survey and Release Plan verifying the absence of radiological contamination, suitability of site materials for recycle or disposal;
- Execution of systematic, biased, and step-out soil and concrete sampling in support of site characterization; waste oils and sediment were also sampled;
- Preparation of a Characterization Report that presented the sampling results and also summarized the scope and methods, including quality control measures for the field sampling activities.
CTI was responsible for disposition of all wastes during the demolition and remediation of the Switchyard, including waste characterization and preparation of waste profiles, preparation of manifests and shipping documentation, inspections of waste containers and transport vehicles, and follow-up with receiving facilities to obtain certificates of disposal. Prior to demolition, CTI completed a comprehensive survey of Switchyard facilities to identify and remove universal wastes. Demolition waste streams included both friable and non-friable asbestos (shipped to ORR Landfill), ceramic insulators and other non-metallic debris (ORR Landfill), and the 3 Synchronous Condensers (ORR Landfill). Wastes were small portion of the materials removed from the site as the majority of these materials from the Switchyard were recycled.
Primary wastes dispositioned during the remedial action included:
- 60,000 gallons of accumulated water from the vaults and basements (non-hazardous and non-TSCA) transferred to vacuum tankers and transported to offsite industrial treatment facilities;
- 6,700 gallons of sediment, water and decontamination residues from the vaults and basements (RCRA characteristic for lead) transferred and shipped to a permitted, offsite treatment/disposal facilities;
- 700 gallons of TSCA waste comprised of oil, water, sediment and decontamination residues from electrical vault EV-16; wastes were packaged and transported or incineration;
- 85 tons of concrete rubble and debris shipped to the ORR Landfills;
- 50 cubic yards of soil contaminated with transite, along with transite cable trays and asbestos wrapped cables, placed in a double-lined roll-off container and shipped to the ORR Landfills;
- An estimated 1,100 cubic yards of soil and gravel contaminated with mineral oil, to be loaded into dump trucks and transported to the ORR Landfill;
- Approximately 50,000 gallons of water contaminated with mineral oil, to be transferred to tanker trucks and taken to an offsite treatment/disposal facility.
Project Highlights:
- Completion of a comprehensive site radiation survey of all equipment to be demolished and removed, and waste characterization of materials for disposal.
- Draining, shipment, and disposal of over 57,000 gallons of PCB contaminated oils from equipment.
- Safe and compliant removal of asbestos insulation and cement-asbestos board from equipment and buildings located throughout the site.
- Equipment dismantled/removed includes 4 large power transformers, 36 oil circuit breakers, 22 smaller transformers, and 5 oil storage tanks.
- Site infrastructure demolished includes support towers, 2 fire suppression system valve houses, oil pump house, bus works, disconnect switches, and static line towers.
- The removal of 3 synchronous condensers to the Y-12 site for disposal. Each condenser weighs approximately 125 tons requiring the use of a specialized subcontractor for loading, transport, and unloading at the site. A special waste permit was received for this major activity.
- The removal and recovery of underground copper wiring that traversed the area of the Switchyard footprint.