Sebewaing River Flood Control
LOCATION: Sebewaing Village, Michigan
CLIENT: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Detroit District
CTI completed Phase 1 and Phase 2 construction of the Sebewaing River Flood Control project. The Sebewaing River is located on Saginaw Bay, in the thumb of Michigan, on the west shore of Lake Huron. Due to severe erosion and various penetrations through the earthen levee, the north levee embankment of the Sebewaing River was in need of maintenance to reduce the risk of failure during flood conditions.
The flood control protection measures included the removal of all trees, structures and other existing features that threatened the integrity of over 2,000 lineal feet of the levee. The existing levees, which were originally constructed in the 1940’s, were completely excavated with removal of over 9,000 cubic yards of material transported from the site. The new levee was reconstructed with imported clay soils and shaped with a 2-feet horizontal on 1-feet vertical (2H:1V) slope with placement of large aggregate stone below the low water datum of the river, transitioning to clay soil fill placement on the river embankment above the water surface.
“[CTI’s] full cooperation and interest in completing a very successful project is a reflection on your company and staff. All facets of this contract were effectively managed including your responsiveness, effectiveness of the job-site supervision and adherence to an approved schedule. The quality of work and contract completion achieved were a direct result of your management actions…I congratulate you on your above-average performance and look forward to working with your company in the future.”
Marilyn R. Hill – Contracting Officer (CO)
The levee reconstruction work, commencing during the spring and fall months with fluctuating river levels, required proactive steps by CTI to develop an alternative method of construction for extending the levee toe outwards into the river over 20 feet. Sequencing the lower levee construction in stages allowed the work to progress successfully without special dewatering efforts or establishment of temporary cofferdams. These steps served to minimize potentially severe construction problems due to the rapidly rising and falling river levels that could have had significant impacts to both cost and schedule.
Following reconstruction of the earthen levee, CTI continued with placement of over 55,000 square feet of open-cell Articulating Concrete Block (ACB) mattresses over the entire reconstructed river embankment, modified existing drainage structures to be incorporated into the new levee, installed new storm water sewer piping and structures, completed site restoration with new asphalt pavement and topsoil/seeding.
- Earthwork Construction
- Utility Construction
- Revetment Construction
- Construction Management
- Construction Quality Control (CQC)
- Geotechnical Testing
- Surveying
CTI’s full civil construction capability and supporting resources allowed self-performance of over 95 percent of the $1.5M contract which resulted in the project being completed on-time and under budget. CTI received an “above-average” performance evaluation upon completion of the project from the USACE- Detroit District and written accolades from the local sponsor, The Village of Sebewaing, for quality of work, cooperation and overall workmanship.