Stormwater Management and POL System Improvements
LOCATION: Joliet , IL, Twinsburg, OH, and Monclova, OH
CLIENT: USACE Kansas City District – 88th Regional Support Command
On this U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Kansas City District project, CTI served as Design Engineer for the storm water runoff and drainage improvements at 3 sites: Joliet Training Center in Elwood, Illinois; Twinsburg USARC in Twinsburg, Ohio; and Toledo Area Memorial USARC in Monclova, Ohio.
The Scope of Work (SOW) at Joliet Training Center consisted of removal of the facility’s existing exterior wash rack system due to lack of use and to address compliance issues. Included in the scope was demolition and removal of 10,000 SF of concrete pavement, four overhead wash towers/sprayers and associated components, two below-grade open air concrete basins, a sewer lift station, and an enclosed pump house. Total C&DD debris removed from the site was over 1,200 tons of material.
CTI’s SOW at Twinsburg USARC consisted of removal and replacement of the facility’s existing oil-water separator (OWS) system due to operational inefficiency, maintenance hazards, and overall inadequate capabilities. Included in the scope was relocation of existing sanitary sewer piping, removal of the existing OWS tank and concrete vault, installation of a new 1,000-gallon steel OWS tank and associated electrical components, and placement of concrete and asphalt pavement.
CTI’s SOW at Monclova USARC consisted of demolition, removal and replacement of the facility’s existing dual chambered oil-water separator (OWS) system due to operational inefficiency, maintenance constraints, and overall inadequate capabilities. Included in the scope was removal and replacement of 1,100 SF of heavy-duty concrete pavement, removal of the existing OWS tank, and installation of a new 2,000-gallon steel OWS and associated electrical components. Discovery of deeper than anticipated existing utility connections forced CTI to excavate deeper and install a well-point dewatering system to complete the tank installation.
- Demolition and removal of existing oil-water separators (OWS) and wash rack system
- Installation of new OWS tanks and associated piping and electrical systems
- High groundwater conditions required temporary well-point dewatering system
- Concrete and asphalt pavement restoration