Y-12 Industrial Landfill IV Expansion
LOCATION: Oak Ridge, Tennessee
As a FFP subcontractor to URS|CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR), CTI self-performed all work involved in the expansion of Industrial Landfill IV (ILF-IV), an active permitted class 2 disposal facility that receives classified waste items for permanent disposal. ILF-IV is part of the Oak Ridge Reservation Landfills (ORRLF) complex operated by UCOR for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and is located within the security area controlled by the operating contractor of the Y-12 National Security Complex. ILF-IV supports critical Demolition & Disposal (D&D) activities via the secure disposal of classified waste generated from these projects. ILF-IV required expansion to increase its capacity so as not to disrupt these disposal activities.
CTI integrated all work and activities with Consolidated Nuclear Services (Y-12 CNS) to ensure strict compliance with security, access, and badging requirements. CTI’s SOW for the expansion of the active landfill included excavation of approximately 21,000 cubic yards of soil to design lines and grades, transportation of excavated soils to a processing area for mechanical screening for reuse for the compacted clay liner, and transport of screened soils (less than 2” diameter) back to the landfill area for placement and compaction as the two-foot clay layer above the prepared subgrade. Approximately 6,500 square yards of 45-mil scrim-reinforced polypropylene liner and 300-mil geocomposite layer were installed over the clay layer. A leachate collection system was expanded to the new area and tied to the existing landfill to meet the immediate needs of the DOE ORR landfill facility and a 4,300-gallon leachate surge tank was installed to collect potential spills from the existing leachate collection sump during pumping system failure. A 12” granular drainage layer was placed over the liner and expanded leachate collection pipes, followed by installation of a geotextile separation layer and a 12” layer of protective soil screened and transported from the processing area. Stormwater ditches and temporary access roads were reconstructed and expanded around the newly constructed areas and the site was restored to include hydroseeding and erosion control blankets on sloped areas.
CTI furnished all required pre-construction submittals prior to mobilization including QA, ES&H, and work plan documents. The project was completed on time and on budget, several weeks before the required completion date of 31 December 2016. The project had over 14,300 field labor hours with zero safety incidents.